'Naked Unafraid'

Ribbon shreds from a heart float through the sphere of ether.
Pretty bow ties a knot around a shred dripping with blood.

Does anyone  ever stop to question the madness? That's probably a bad idea anyway. 
Its a love hate relationship. I hate that I love it. Love that I hate it. And while the cycles may be vicious and unforgiving, I still find a beauty in the maddening chaos. 

I don't think it is supposed to stop. Maybe it will get to the point that these moments become more smooth and artfully transitioned through. But It will always be there. A dark day, a bright night and the howl at the moon echos a homely vibration.

I've blazed a trail with my sins that I'll have to atone for.
Marks on my back tell a story of who I was before.
Before I realized the broken pieces of hearts that I was finding,
Were the shattered pieces of my own heart
I'm so crazy, I should be crying.

But the only crying I do, happens on the inside.
Like black magic I cast a spell, trickery.
If reality is just a summation of my thoughts, fuck me.
The habits I formed from pondering jaded poetry.
The poetry I die for, lyrics come to life or,
I'll flap my wings like a phoenix; rise from the ashes; reborn.

A dream that I see, so true it feels real.
Drink down the madness, cheers to free people.
Carry on wayward son, face into the sunset.
Darkness at my back, tame the demons and set them wild again.

The landscape is barren, ripe for the building.
Left over trinkets come to life in the morning.
Poetic justice drives a hard bargain, leaves no trace,
Of what has come
Desolation in it's place.

 The focus is tainted form the smoke of burning emotions.
Iv'e been swimming in the blood of this shipwrecked ocean.
I knows stars shine brightly above the storm and the flood.
But I get so lost, lose purpose, make a pact by blood.
For all the drops of my blood, my sweat and my tears,
 I vow to fight onward, sail forward and face my fucking fears.

And the greatest fear of all, is to face my own truth.
As I slip down the rabbit hole, darkness, cold fingers
Grasp for the last shred of light that I knew.
Make friends with my demons, now I'm coming for you.

A light reborn, a spark from the deep.
Fueled by wasted years of menacing sleep.
I'm the dragon from a lost land, a tiger on the hunt.
Born from the fire of the greatest of Suns

I'll be there


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