So Many Questions; The Hidden Truth.

 What was I to believe? 

What was true anymore?

The only thing I understood upon realizing the insanity of the cult I was raised in, was that I was lied to.

I didn't know what was right anymore. The only truth there was for me was the truth of my experience. 

And now with my new found freedom I would experience everything I was told was wrong and sinful.

And at that, religion no longer had meaning. 

I was lost, even when I thought I was found. I was told Jesus was my savior but as far as i could tell, He was my prison. 

I must brake free. I must see the truth. 

Little did I know I had been immersed in a truth that was just bastardize by a long history of influential men, dead set on controlling the masses. Breaking free from the chains of this dogma, I was out to find my own truth. Find what was real, what was right. 

Fast forward through the years of hell, beyond the horizon of darkness when I started to see a glimmer of light. I had only amassed questions upon questions.

Why do all the religions say the same thing?

Is there a one true religion?

What religion is it?

Are all the religions wrong?

Are all the religions right?

I come from Christianity, so I perceive the world through this context.

Jesus was born of a virgin? Can virgins give birth?

Why did Jesus say the Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN YOU, but I was told the kingdom of heaven was outside of me. 

Why does the concept of Nirvana and Heaven sound so familiar. 

When Jesus said we are like him, and all these things he does, we can do; why do we not take that literal? 

If Jesus did magic, why do we put an evil twist on magic?

If we know so much about Jesus, even from when he was born, why don't we know where he was during his most formidable years?? Where was he? What was he doing?

Secret mystery schools anyone?

I learned the earth is not six-thousand years old, but billions of years older.

I learned that main stream timelines, that archaeologists told was was wrong?

How did we just begin to know agriculture and farming and organize in societies so quickly?

All the religions talk about a flood?

All the ancient cultures talk about gods that came on boats that taught them science and math and, out of this world knowledge.

The pyramids? Don't tell me they pulled those 2 ton blocks miles upon miles and stacked them on top of each other without some out of world technology.

Oh shit, there are pyramids all around the world and they mostly line up on the energy lines of the earth. 

The rabbit hole is insane. So many amazing ideas, and my mind had been blown open. 

Do aliens exist. YUP!! Government pretty much admitted it now.

Well then what does that mean? Whats the story? 

Why did God create Man and Woman in his image in Genesis 1. But then created Adam from dirt and Eve from a rib in Genesis 2? 

Was the narrative compromised somewhere along the way? Did people start worshiping the wrong god? 

What about the fallen angels and taking up wives of the women of earth? Giants use to live among us??

If God is so loving then why is he so vengeful and require sacrifices?? Are these 2 different Gods??

I had more questions than answers, but I kept an open mind and slowly the story began to unfold, bit by bit, piece by piece. 

There is more to this world than we are told. There is more to reality than meets the eye.

Everything is energy, quantum physics tells us this now. Vibrations and frequencies manifest reality, and we only perceive a fraction of it. 

Dimensions upon dimensions and we know nothing. But what to believe?

Is a belief even important??

I realized that it is. So I must pursue this journey.

Jesus and Buddha were saying the same thing. 

Christianity twisted what Jesus said. 

Thomas Jefferson said, take out all the words in red and make that the Bible. This idea stuck with me. 

I have found answers in the most obscure places. My eyes have opened to a narrative that is both beautiful and frightening. 

I realized that this belief I was forming was rooted in reality and not some destiny outside this realm of existence. In a place made of gold and worship for eternity. 

Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Buddha said we are all Gods. Namaste, the God in me bows to the God in you.

I create a life of beauty and love here in this realm where I exist. I bring heaven to earth for it is within me to do so. 

I bow to the God within everyone and treat you with reverence and respect. 

I co-create with God. I worship the Source, the All, the Energy of Being. 

And the story is still unfolding.

All religions have a beautiful story that weaves together a narrative of light. 

Maybe all religions had a moment like Christianity, when around 900 A.D. Constantine held the council of Nicea with the political and church leaders, and decided what would stay and what would be edited from the Bible. 

Maybe part of the story has been taken out of the true narrative?

But The Source, The All, God's truth of being can't be wiped from the story, because if The Energy of Being in fact is The One, then the truth can never die. And the truth will prevail. 

Maybe that's what Jesus and Buddha were trying to tell us. 

This rabbit hole has opened up into a fractal world of beautiful truth and insight. 

The path is Light. We know the tree by its fruit,  

Pay attention to pay attention. 

Open your mind of possibility. 


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