Where to Begin? The Cult; The Religion

 I'm not entirely sure where to begin.

If I am to tell the story of my exit from the cult, I would need to start with the turning point, the focal moment that sparked my leaving.

If I am to tell the story of my belief structure and how religion's meaning changed for me, there are key realizations along the way. 

I suppose it all starts with feelings of betrayal before I ever come to the realizations of knowledge.

Hypocrisy within the church, a slow move towards learning how to think for myself.

When I conceptualize the story in my mind, all the parts seem to work in tandem. 

I can easily run in circles with my reasoning. Maybe this comes from the brainwashing when I was growing up. I was told what to believe and how to believe it, and all the information magically circled back to Jesus and the infallible word of the pastor.

I never questioned anything, because there was no reason to. I was told the truth and that is what I was supposed to believe. 

Looking back I can remember insightful questions, swept under the rug as unimportant, but that would later on fuel my search for an understanding of this world and who or what God is.

Where are the remnants of buildings and societal progress from before the flood? Those people lived 100s of years longer than us, and must have made huge strides in science and technology. 

Where did able get his wife? I remember this question being answered but I honestly can't remember what the answer was. I seem to recall, it didn't make much sense. 

using the Bible to prove the Bible is true. Jesus is God.

It seems that I must start at the beginning of the end. 

It was a moment that tore through the fabric of my space time. But deep down I knew it was the catalyst for a whole new universe. 

In a weird way I welcomed the tragedy. And I never felt bad about it.

Stay tuned. Coming soon


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