Changing the Focus, Changing the Paradigm

I gotta change it. I don't like that I get angry. But I know its a natural occurrence and it's worth feeling into it.

I ranted about how I see Christianity. Its just really hard sometimes to fully accept people when they don't even accept you for who you are. Me for who I am.

And maybe herein lies the dilemma.

Do I still fight against fully accepting myself? That question, who am I, is a confusing one for me still. Maybe not confusing, just extremely complex.

Complex because for me the simplest way I can answer the quesiont "who am I" is; I am soul. And what the fuck is soul but something eternal we don't actually know anything about, except what metaphysics and conjecturing tells us based on quantum reality. But at the core. We have no idea what the other side holds.

Thats why religion is still a thing. We as humans look for explanations for the things we cannot explain. That's where religion came from in the first place. Ascribing personalities to natural phenomenon that we didn't understand.

I'm not my name. I'm not my birth place. I'm not my interests and passions. These are manifestations of who I am. And who I am spans time and place.

Oh shit I'm getting metaphysical now.

But how does this relate to Christianity and my anger?

I don't know. I know I hold high ideals in my head of the way things should be.

Being existential can fuck me sometimes. But this is part of who I am.

To think and ponder things from an existential view point. To look for the greatest potential in every avenue and pursue that whether it goes along with conventional ways of thinking or not.

I see religion as antiquated. I believe it is antiquated. And maybe that's part of it. I believe religion as a whole thwarts individual human and social progress.

And that's why I get angry.

Its ok to be angry about this. But how can I work with it? How can I learn to accept it for what it is?

I know fighting against it won't do anything. I know that most Christians mean to do well.

Winning a soul to Jesus Christ is the ultimate path to saving the world. But does it really save the world?

I guess I interpret the things Jesus said in a different way too. Far from what I was taught he meant.


Sacred Geometry.

The Esccense Gospels, that no one seemed to talk about when I was a kid.

The historical moments within Christianity and how the religions came to be, I had to learn about after I left Bible school. They left the tid bits out that didn't line up with what they believed.

I keep going on tangents in my head getting angry.

Breathe...aaahhh, blah.

Changing the focus, changing the paradigm.

I'm focused on all the things about religion that I don't like. And this creates my paradigm. Not a bad thing. It has been this path I am on that has brought me to these different realizations about religion.

But I think its time that I learn how to change my perception from an angry one to a more loving one.

So what is it about religion that I enjoy. It does give people a path to follow that aligns with honesty and integrity.

There are those who take advantage and abuse the system of religion.

There are those who are descent human beings and do live in community with other religions. This I like. To be able to share a belief because of what we have in common.

And this is a shift here. Look for commonality instead of what separates us.


The tactic as old as war. Divide and conquer.

What separates us is what will divide us.

What is common among us is what will unite us.

EEEEhh, yeah!!!

What do I have in common with Christians.

And I feel like I should define the word Christian.

Christian - to be Christ like, a believer in Jesus the Christ and his teaching.

I believe in Jesus and his teachings. He said some good shit.

A Christian reaches out a hand and helps those in need.

I try my best to do so.

A Christian does their best not to judge others and accept everyone for who they are no matter what path they are on.

I do my best too.

We all believe in an after life.

We all believe in being kind an generous to people.

We all believe in a power greater than ourselves.

I think if I continue practicing changing my thoughts on this issue, to see what we hold in common, it may change the way I act around religious peoples.

Or maybe I'll stop being so angry about the differences.

Habits can be broken and new ones can be formed. Existential mother fucker.

To progress and human potential.

'La Loving Logan'


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