Christianity and my Anger

I'm slightly worried about this one.

I try. I really do try my hardest to be loving and accepting of religion, specifically Christianity. But I seem to keep finding myself in a state of anger with it.

Its when I am subjected to it's nuances through conversation and being around those who profess faith in Christ that I sense the anger rise up in me.

And it's not so much that I have a problem with Jesus or his teachings. I have a problem with the disconnect from reality that I see.

Situations like the "War on Terrorism", get the fuck out of here!!

The Christian religion has become a blindfold to the reality of what is going on.

This isn't a war on radical Islamic terrorism. This is a war being fought for the rich fuckers greed over power money and oil.

Yet, somehow Christianity as a whole has been duped into thinking that this war is necessary. Even though the ten commandments say....don't kill???

And I know...I know most people are good heartened people. But I can't seem to get over this distasteful nuance of an idiosyncrasy.

And its not just Christianity I'm sure. The only reason I have a stigma with this religion is because it was shoved down my throat for the first 19 years of my life and I found myself questioning all of it, because none of it, except the practical teachings of Jesus, made sense.

I'm starting to hear Christians talk about the mysticism of faith like it's some wonderful new age finding coming back to us, sent to us by god in this time of trouble and heartache.

What you fail to realize is this is nothing new. And it's most definitely not exclusive to Christianity.

Christianity was born out of mysticism, just like every other religion. And where the fuck do you think all that mysticism went???

Maybe stop ignoring historical and scientific facts and your world might open up to a universe of knowledge that has been hidden and systematically tweaked to keep us in the dark.

You blame the devil. I blame the evil insidiousness and our fucking complacency to fight against such darkness, for being in the shit fucking state we are in now.

You find proof that your faith works cause you pray and magical things happen. Mother fuckers, praying is not synonymous with your religion.  Praying transcends all religions and all peoples and all times and all spaces.

Even atheists fucking pray. And they find proof that their faith works.

You want professions of faith in Jesus Christ, while that doesn't do anything to cure the world of evil.

You talk about supporting companies who don't accept gay people, like you're holier than fucking thou, pick up the stone you sinless fuck and throw it. Oh wait, you already did you judgmental prick.

I didn't realize your God said, "judge not unless you don't agree with them". Fuck off with your self righteous bull shit.

You buy into the rhetoric of "left wing", "right wing" believing everything your "christian" politicians tell you, even though they are so far removed from living a life according to Christian ideals.

You deny scientific facts that climate change is real, like you haven't been doing this for the past 500 years. revolves around the sun? Ring a bell anyone?

You brainwash and manipulate generations of children, and when we finally have a chance to think for ourselves we are so fucking lost in a world where reality is what it is, but we were told it was something entirely different. So now we get shit on left and right, lost in our own minds, fucked by the very people who are supposed to love us the most. And at the end of it all we have no where to turn because...ooh, we just can't get on board anymore with what you told us we should believe.

I'm one of these children, and I don't think you realize the fucking insanity we feel and go through. We feel alienated. We feel all alone. We have no idea how to express the fucking shit storm in our brains. And if we do find a little bravery in opening up to you about it. You sin against your God, judge the fuck out of us, and push us further and further away.

Now stuck in no man's land. Fighting for a gasp of air every day, trying so hard to hang on to a belief that life will get better.

I can only thank God, and no, its not your fucking Jesus Christ, that I have somehow been able to find some resemblance of sanity. And this sanity is more like, a way of coping and living day to day that actually has started bringing me joy.

But I can't tell you the number of people I run into, that struggle so fucking much and they feel like they have no where to turn to.

And it's always the same. We talk about getting a therapist, this might help. But I was always scared of being prescribed a pill, or stigmatized into a box of "having this dispostion, or that disposition".

Sometimes we turn to drugs and alcohol because it sure as hell beats turning to the one's we thought loved us, where you just judge us more and push us even further away.

Sometimes we think about pulling the trigger with a gun to our heads, cause FUCK  this goddamn insane thing we call a reality. Where everyone seems so ass fucking backwards and the world seems to shit on us every day we wake up.

Am I alone?? Is there more to life than feeling unloved and unwanted?

Another part of why it sucks donkey fucking balls is because we were taught something golden. We were taught how to treat people, even though half the time we see the opposite from those who are supposed to be our role models.

We were taught the fundamental tenants of faith and doing good works for others.

But then we don't understand the other half of the equation where you say demeaning things and cut other people down on the simple premise that they don't believe like you do. Or you don't agree with how they live their life.

We get stuck in a whirlwind of hate, while love is preached, but yet we feel no love at all.

I even forgot what love feels like. And I sense that I am on the path to re discover this feeling. But fuck me, its one hell of a fucking journey.

My heart goes out to those I have contact with who struggle just as much as I have the past 8 years.

I want so badly to just pull them up to where I am, but part of me realizes that they have to go through this. But I know there is some way I can help, I'm just still trying to figure that out.

What the fuck do you think is the real story of the Druids? The Witches? The mystics like Jesus, Zoroaster?

The Native Americans?

The indigenous peoples around the world?

Why the hell do you think Holistic practitioners seem to just disappear?

Why has science been fought against?

Why is there so much secrecy in governments around the world??

This is all a fucking game. But its a game thats hurting people at their core and I don't know what the fuck to do about it, except write this bull shit.

And make my life so personal to myself and not give a fuck what anyone thinks or says about it, that I can only do what I know is right for me.

Goddamn this splooge.

Happy fucking Sunday. I needed to get this shit out of me.

To my forgotten comrades, I feel you.

I know hope is bleak, I know you are stronger than anyone realizes, because you are still standing here.

If anything, hold onto the faith that fighting each day, taking the tiniest step forward will prove itself.

You're allowed to fail. Your allowed to give up 7 billion times, I know I did. But please, just fight another day.

I know it gets tiring. I know it becomes so fucking insane that you feel like you belong in an institution. I've been there....still there in some respects.

But you're not insane. You're just a descent human being who actually cares about people and this planet you live on.

Find the fire inside you, and take a purposeful step. Just do one thing each day that makes you feel good. Try your best to focus on what you know is good and right.

Its so easy to get caught up in the shit of everything around us. Case and point, this fucking blog post, haha.

There is so much good happening in the world even when it seems like that is the furthest thing from the truth. There are so many loving people in the world that really do care.

We live in a time where the insidious fuckery that has been playing out for the past who fucking knows how many years, has reached a point of fruition. Which tells me that it is now at a turning point. We either keep buying into the horse donkey shit, or switch our focus from what we are told to focus on, to what is good right and even more powerful than what we could ever imagine.

Magic is real. Just ask any religious person, who heart fully prays, about their prayers being answered. 

Jesus walked on water.

There is hands on healing even happening in our modern times, but you won't hear about it on main stream news. Ask yourself why and that's a whole other topic of shit fuckery to get into.

I love you. I feel you, you wandering soul.

Make peace with yourself and your own soul and the world will follow suit.

'La Loving Logan'


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