For Death Will I Part

Does it bother you?

Do you feel it?

When someone takes their life or the life of others, do you cry?

Do you ask why?

Everyone's lost in a world of horror.

No one even knows they've gone back to the land of forgetting.

We laugh and we cry, we sing and we dance,

As the blood of the innocent drips from our hands.

Do you care?

Do you feel it?

I do.

Empath, I'm a monster I feel the screams of the children.

Empath, I'm dying from the inside out.

And what about the man who's left all alone,

To cry for a hand, to cry for a home.

Its common now, that mass shootings occur.

And we still cry guns, its mindless conjecture.

At what point will we stop blaming the inanimate object.

And Look at the mental reoccurring process.

Has it occurred to you that none of these children are terrorists?

And why is it always a boy, who we assume is a derelict?

So why the fuck aren't we asking the pertinent questions?

Gun control yes, it's a good topic for discussion.

But what about the apparent emotional dysfunction?

We cut the funding to education

Expect the teachers to pick up slack.

Then scream for retribution, once children's lines have gone flat.

You say the problem is that he had access to a gun.

And ignore the fact that, something, made him come undone.

Now I hear of young people offing themselves,

Because they just can't take this shit wev'e been handed, Its pure fucking hell

Thank you generations who have come before us.

When will you realize it was your affirmative actions that deplore us

The system you have handed us, no longer works.

Justice flew out the window along with sanity's backwards looks.

You want to blame today's parents for their lack of discipline.

But it's you who have raised these adults, so pick up the stone you without sin.

Doesn't anyone fucking get it, were all in this together.

And the fuckers who win, come out on top

Are the elected evils, while we all have our heads put to the chopping block.

But lets just stay antiquated in the face of all the signs

The signs tell us were doomed, unless we realize

Realize we're teetering on the edge of explosion.

Mother nature's warning us, hold on your time is coming.

There are repercussions for our actions, and we've been so insidiously fucked.

Mass graves around the world, conscious revolutions kept secret

Science taken for granted, and the sea just keeps creepin.

I wish there was something I could do, so I write.

I've been angry about all this for quite some time.

I believe religion is the bane of our existence.

We are kept in the dark because of it's malevolence.

I almost cried the other day, becuase a friend lost a friend.

I held my tears back, to be strong, not give in.

And the reason was the same, just like it always is.

Tired of the games, the evil thats felt within.

There are people on this planet who feel things more than most.

The slightest lie told is  like a knife to their throat.

Be kind is what Jesus said, and judge not for one's sin.

But it seems the people preaching the loudest, this they have forgotten.

So all I can do is fight every day.

Not against the evils or the hypocritical play.

But fight for my own freedom, and the man standing next to me.

Fight for love, fight for light, do my best to be caring.

And I have faith that in the end, my God will bring victory.

'La Loving Logan'


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