Post Modern Idea
Changing a paradigm takes whit and finesse. Or maybe you would rather wait for your reality to implode on itself, for you to realize that it is time to create a new one. Its all about what we focus on. And this is where it gets tricky. Because we all lie to ourselves. We say we are bringing awareness to the treachery, But really we are just caught in the same cycle of bull shit. We speak words of discontent, we put down the other in the name of our right. For what? So that those who align with our thoughts cheer us on, and those that don't align with our thought get angry at us? This does nothing. And talking shit about Trump, or Hilary, or this business or that bunisness, or this religion or that religion or this person or that person, does fucking nothing!! Literally nothing but continue the cycle of bull shit. Its simple really. Fear. That is your cause. You fear what you cannot control. You fear what you do not understand. And though you know...