Sitting In Silence

I sat in silence/meditated for a few minutes the other day and found myself tired.

I also had a thought that maybe sitting in silence and meditating are two different things.

I used to think they were synonymous.

But after this morning I realize that they are not.

Meditating is the practice of focusing the mind.

Sitting in silence as Kyle Cease challenged me, is to literally just sit in silence. And I assume to let the thoughts go.

I found that one thought would lead to another. I would remember something from the day before or so, and it would bring some sort of clarity or settle in as a concrete thought instead of just a passing happenstance.

For instance, my friend yesterday evening when I went to get a beer or two, mentioned that creating our own space helps find inspiration. We can be inspired easier within a space that is our own.

Since we have both been talking about moving out of our parents house, becuase we find it stifling and what not.

Had I not sat in silence and found my thoughts leading me back to that moment, I may not have had a settling in of that idea. I may have forgotten about it. But I noticed a comforting feeling of realizing that and remember her words.

An easy breath into that thought and now I know that idea will stick with me. And I can maybe even do what I can with the space that I am in to make it my own create a little bit of some inspiration.

The thoughts continued to flow from one spectrum to the other, leading me all the way to existential crisis' of the world.

But at the same time another concretness in why and what we could do to change it. And these are just ideas.

I mean nothing will truly change until every one becomes conscious and aware of our own contribution to what is happening, one. And two, nothing will change until the collective actually realizes something is wrong. I think one and two should probably be reversed, that would make more sense.

But I see everyone more interested in filling the nuances of thought and space with bull shit that doesn't truly matter.

Most people would rather keep up with the Kardashians who do fuck all for anyone or anything outside of gaining more prestige and money.

When Leonardo DiCaprio is actually doing things to help change the world and bring awareness to the heinous horse shit that is happening, and then changing it.

But I think a turn in attitude and attention would cause people to actually accept the fact that there are evil things happening. And that we are playing a part in it. But who wants to admit that its our fault that children are starving, dying, being sold into slavery and used as sex slaves.

Its fucked up and for the moment people find it easier to ignore than meet head on.

And I could go on and on because my thoughts went on and on, but here was my other idea.

And a few people have done it and found some paradigm shifts I believe. But bringing a law suit against the government about what ever it may be.

For instance, there are kids bringing a law suit against the government because we are having to breath contaminated air.

We could bring a law suit against the government for cutting funding to public education, and fundamental human right. Especially since there are plenty of scientific studies that tell us that the arts and education actually help with what is plaguing our society right now.

We could bring a law suit against the corporations for basically buying out human rights.

These are just my ideas but I feel like they could be run with. Especially since its already being done on some platforms.

'La Loving Logan'


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