Newness and The Ideas

I kept hearing things this past weekend.

You know when something strikes you.

I would hear someone say something and, though it was a nonchalant off handed statement. I would hear it on another level.

The whole weekend was geared towards changing my paradigm for the most part.

And I felt the shift happen, and then it took a few days for everything to assimilate. I think it might be another day or two before I am completely in tune with it.

But I realized a few things.

I can create what I want now, where I am now.

I find myself in this limbo state of wishing for something when I can create it right here.

For instance. I don't have my own space as far as living on my own is concerned. So I get stuck in wishing for a place of my own.

When I could just utilize the space I do have and make it my own.

So I will be revamping my room to make it more of my own. It doesn't matter when I decide to move out, I just need to do whats good for me.

Also I haven't been doing the things I know that I want and need to do.

I drink alcohol, not much, but enough to keep me locked in the same cycle of bullshit. I would even slowly ween myself off of it, when if I just put it up, my strides would be so much  more significant.

I also had an idea of canceling my gym membership and focusing solely on yoga and getting that certification. Since that has been on my mind recently and it is what I want. Why not go for it.

I don't know exactly why I make up excuses for it. But its so simple. I want a yoga cert. Then focus my energy and resources in getting yoga certification.

So now I am looking to move again. Doing in a smart way this time.

Where I ever I go, I will be able to sunsatin myself decently and allow myself the time to get acclimated and find a job and what not.

That means money saved up.

This also means I will be taking a few trips to some key points of interest and feeling out the areas.

Honestly though, I feel like I already know I belong in Boulder CO. or Fort Collins. Somehwere around there. I feel that pull the greatest.

Then is Flaggstaff Az. They have the energy focus and hippie vibe there, although I think the hippie vibe aligns more in Boulder with my tastes.

Then Salt Lake City, but I honestly don't see that happening. As much as it would be fun to live by my bro. I just don't feel it.

So, I am on a mission.

Saving money/ alleviating debt.
creating my own space with the space that I have.
Pursuing my deepest desires fully. (take the time and energy that I am putting into other things and put it into yoga) Cancel gymn membership, start doing calisthenics, I even have a spot in the back yard where I could build my own gymn. And I love working out outdoors so.

This all excites me. And I seem to feel a new vibrance for life and a confidence in who I am with all of it.

I would say I have found a why for my current state of affairs. A driven why, A why I don't mind sacrificing for.

Till next time

'La Loving Logan'


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