A Random Rant

Work last night was interesting. I think I might have been tired from my workout.

I have been focusing on getting back into a routine and building my energy back up. Ever since Panama City Beach, I messed up my routine and set myself back with the binging I did, then there was that other concert.

But like I said yesterday, I can feel my attitude changing with alcohol. And I keep reading these, what do you call them, memes. Or like pictures with words, know what I'm saying? You find them on Instagram or Facebook.

But I have read in several places, where it says alcohol causes more problems than weed. And I totally believe this to be true.

So then I ask the question, why is alcohol legal and weed not?

To which, I always assume that there is an insidious plot to dumb down humanity, create a society of fear and anger, and strip everyone of their true essence.

So then it makes sense why weed is illegal and alcohol is legal.

Its a crazy fucking conspiracy, but when you start looking at it; it really isn't it.

They have been cutting funding to our education systems since probably the 70's. Of which the first programs to be cut were the arts.

And people really didn't do anything.

There is the history of prohibition and the drug wars. Which if one actually does their research, it makes no fucking sense. Just like it makes no sense why weed is illegal and alcohol is legal, unless you look at it from an insidious agenda point of view.

Politics and special interests groups have become convolutedly dependent on one another. And problem have gotten to the point where the special interest groups own the politicians now.

Society cares more about luxuries of materialism and pride of country, than the state of humanity and creating a more loving and unified world.

People say this is "our land", when in fact we took it by force, by means of mass genocide, and built it off the backs of slavery.

God I could go on, but it's disheartening. And then I wonder why we aren't doing anything about it. But what could we do?

We go out and march in the street at the expense of our job, because they would replace us come Wednesday.

We write letters to our representatives, but they care more about lining their pockets with blood money from the special interests groups calling the shots.

We try to have conversations with people and its always an argument about how is stupid and you can't believe you would even believe that, blah blah blah it just goes in circles.

Dogmatism is the sin of our time.

What if I started a T-shirt company with witty sayings that got both sides thinking? Like, umm...."your Jesus is my Allah, You've all slaughtered innocence"

or,..."Donkey vs Elephant - Dumb Ass vs Slow Fuck" but like in the same font and design

or,..."Iran Contra, Water Gate, Vietnam, 9/11"

or..."By the people, for the poeple - does not equal- By the politicians for the rich fuckers"

It would probably just make people angry.

Who knows what to do anymore?

Its easy to get sucked into the existential rabbit hole thinking to which I always end up nowhere cause everything seems hopeless.

But I always come back to one question. What can I personally do?

And the answer is always the same, just be the change. Do what I can in this moment right now to make my own reality what I wish the collective reality to be.

Be uplifting. Don't judge. Do the little things every day that play into the reality I wish to create and slowly but surely my reality will change for the better.

Focus on the good thats happening in the world. Because I do believe there is more good happening in the world than bad. Its just we buy into the mass medias agenda and believe what ever the fuck they say, instead of doing our own research and thinking independently.

God that makes me think of my idea that I want to create a positive based news outlet. Talk about all the good things happening.

I think I should start finding one good story a day, that shed light and brings joy and excitement to people.

Like how someone is bringing water to dessert town. Or how a kid figured out a way to clean the oceans.

These types of stories. Starting now.

'La Loving Logan'


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