A New Religion Forming

 I don’t even know where to begin with this one.

Growing up how I did was quite extreme. And for a while after I got out I still held on to the idea that Christianity and church was the ideal. But I slowly started to realize that all the religions were saying the same thing and had the same overarching stories.

So what was I to make of this.

Was there really one righteous religion above the rest?

Were all the religions true?

Were they all just made up stories? 

I went from believing Jesus was the son of God, to believing that we are all Gods in our own right.

I was more agnostic.

I began accumulating knowledge and realizations that started bringing me back to Christianity. And maybe its more accurate to say, bringing me back to Christ just from a whole new and different perspective. 

Where I once learned to hate religion and believed it all to be a made up story just to control people.

I began realizing that all my thoughts about religion over the years were true. Even the thoughts and ideas that conflicted with each other. 

Slowly bit by bit, I came into new ideas.

And what was pretty awesome that I noticed recently is those ideas that I found or came up with years ago, I've recently started hearing arguments, information that add credence to these ideas. 

Like, maybe the world was created, but then in a whole separate time the Garden of Eden story took place. And this is becoming apparently true to me. 

Ancient astronaut theory.

The idea that humanity was tricked into worshiping the wrong god.

Satan and Gods names got switched.

Jesus said we are Gods just like him.

Buddha said we are all Gods.

Namaste, the god in me bows to the god in you. 

The flood story is found in every religion. Its found in archaeological stories.

How were the pyramids built?

Why are archaeologist lying to us?

Sacred geometry, tree of life, the Kybalion.

So many facets of so many different religions that all seem to tie together. 

Subjugation of the worship of nature. Salem witch trials.

A mutiny of art and expression of the soul. 

A man is a woman, a woman is a man.

Society has become delineated down to the minute detail of subjective feelings that are said to determine reality and identity.

And this thought makes no sense when you carry it out to its end. 

Do you see the conglomeration of ideas and thoughts and how there are rabbit trails upon rabbit trails? 

I see a collage of pictures all fitting together to make one giant portrait of reality and my place in it. But I must pick each picture apart to figure out where it fits within the puzzle. 

Its a slow arduous task, but I am up for the challenge.

I just wish I could do it all quickly.

My insatiable desire for knowledge and connections within the most obscure ideas drives me mad, and I fucking love it. 

Welcome to the mind of a wretched sinner who claims to be God and understands that I come from the stars.

And that while I was created for something specific, there is a dark agenda seeking to commandeer the light of Gods children.

God, the source, the light.

You know a tree by its fruits. 

Come with me on this journey to synthesize the ideas that make my brain explode.

Namaste fuckers.


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