Oh The Irony

Yesterday was brilliant. I had searched for places to volunteer at before writing the last post and found a few I liked. After I wrote yesterdays post I new I needed to take action on volunteering, more than just sending an email of interest. So I went to Backstreet Art.

As soon as I walked in a felt an air of comfort. I didn't feel tense or uneasy, it was smooth and relaxing. Everyone there maybe 14 people, were all doing something that has to do with art. Heidi came up to me and showed me around and everything they do.

Painting, sketching, writing, art classes, leather working, art journaling, and so much more. This non-profit gears towards adults who have fallen on hard times. Its a place for people who don't have art in their life to come and in an open non judgmental place full of beautiful people, to freely express themselves.

I immediately fell in love. I painted a heart on a little block, the first thing they suggest to new people when they walk in if they have no clue what they want to do. I finished my heart and got to talk to Kimmy, the beautiful woman who started the organization.

Her passion is infectious. Her energy draws you in with comforting eyes that tell you, you have nothing to fear. In the 10 minute conversation I found myself opening up more to her about those things about me that hardly anyone knows. And what was shocking is there was no difficulty in telling her these things. What was even more shocking for me in the moment was realizing that it wasn't coming from a place of feeling sorry for myself, but an ownership of things really. I was confident in shedding what used to plague me as dark aspects. It was no longer something to hide, but an expression of myself. And even though I still don't understand everything about myself, I was able to tell my story with a knowing that I was on the right track.

We talked about volunteering and what position or aspect I would like. I told her pretty much anything. The grant writing peaked my interest, and helping other and encouraging them in their art. But I also told her, I more inclined to participate, I needed this. I knew somehow, that this experience if I kept coming would change me. It already has.

She gave me  blank book for art journaling. And I started on the first page before I left. I could feel things shedding. Talking randomly with a few people around me, I felt completely in tune with myself and began cutting and pasting, and writing on this page. It was freeing for sure. I can't say I have every experienced something like that when doing art. But I love it.

It keeps coming to mind. That it's a switch in focus. I decided to take action volunteering and literally change my focus and not stay cooped up inside all day in the name of meditation and yoga, and I took the meditation to a new place, with new faces, with new ideas and way to express myself like I know I have been needing to. Also found out that the resident writer is a published author and wrote the play for the Newnan Theater and was casting right now. I should look into this too.

Focus. What am I focusing on. Today is gym workout. And calling a buddy.

Not every day has to be the same. Not every day has to be devoted to the nuances of meditation and yoga and all the self help things. But every day should have a focus of conscious awareness.

Couple that with a bright attitude of owning the day and making it brighter and happier for myself, and in turn the others around me, and I think every day would end up being a good day.

I just remembered. It was also random, how I ended up telling the same dream story. I told it to a girl at  Backstreet Art, and I told it at work. Then a random conversation took place about dreams and lucid dreaming, and remember dreams, and Carl Jung came up and all the things I love. It was brilliant. It was wonderful. It was magic.

I will also look into a climate change  volunteer deal. And the humane society. Its kind of the perfect trifecta. Art, walk dogs, help make political and local changes to thwart climate change. Goddamn that sounds fucking exhilarating.

If time allows, we shall see.

On most days if I find the moment, I like to remind myself of something I read in a book called, the Four Agreements. And that is;

To Be Impeccable with my Word
Never Take Anything Personally
Never Make Assumptions
And to Always, in Every Moment, Be the Best I can Be

I commit to the energy of certainty, and the power and perfection of my intuition, as I stand radiant in the light of Aloha.

But what is the energy of certainty. I have thought of this before and I think I will have to think some more. But for now, its moving forward with what is right in front of me. Just Do It!

Yours Truly

'La Loving Logan'


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