Sensing and Reality; Synchronicity

Ever have those days where everything seems to flow just right? When even the hick-ups turn out to be perfect synchronicity with the next moment?

Today seemed to be that day for me.

Woke up later than I wanted. Didn't work out.
Was feeling a little blocked, I remember thinking. In my solar plexus it just wasn't flowing as it normally feels. I did some writing this morning. I should read what I wrote.


Hmm. Its interesting. In my writing I like to do this free write thing, where I write what comes to mind.

Today I told myself to pay attention to the subtleties that I sense and feel. Acknowledge the fact that I don't actually know people for who they are. I haven't been around. I haven't been able to see them in their daily lives.

And now I found myself carrying on like I never left. But Its been 6 years since I have seriously hung out with these people. And I know sure as hell I have changed. So it stands to reason that others have changed just as much, in varying ways I'm sure.

I remember thinking the thought that I am too sensitive. I think I may have just developed a hack for myself. When ever I catch myself saying something like, "I'm too sensitive" or downplaying a capability of mine as too extreme or too much in anyway; I should take that as a sign that it is one of my gifts or strong suits. And then change the language to adopt an appreciation and a love for what ever it is.

For example. I say I'm too sensitive. I take note that maybe its not that I'm too sensitive. But my sensitivity is my strong suit, where I find my power. So I say, "I love my sensitivity", "I love that I sense nuances and subtleties that decipher a bigger picture.

Hmm, I wonder if its really just deciphering whats right in front of me. But I deconstruct everything logically, and so it has to render through perceived notions of simple reality. What I am sensing, I could just feel. And that is the correct thought. The intuition is felt, and concretely correct.

I realize that it is the unwillingness to accept that intuitive thought as truth. So I derail it and let it find its way back to center by means of sensing and different occurrences through experience.

I don't want to accept the fact that a buddy of mine is not entirely the person that I thought he was. My initial gut instinct was that he had a streak of judgement and way of speaking about people that doesn't set well with me. The conclusion was that he just simply wasn't being genuinely nice as far my nice standards go.

I play it off as unimportant and a single experience. But, I begin to notice things as the days go by. I distancing here. A word about this person there. A sensing of betrayal in a sense. A noticing of another person's treatment towards me change. Could only be one reason really. A sense of altered perception of me.

And I'm left with no concrete evidence except what I sense, feel, and intuit. So I make a decision. I feed no energy into it. Let it play out. And as tides roll. things will show their true faces. I could approach out right. But that is making an assumption.

Wait too see if treatment from other is still negated to a different energy.

Any who. I love that I do this. It means when I do come to a decision I have made a concrete decision. I love that I think about things a lot. It allows me to see the entire picture.

So wrote this stuff out. Felt more open afterward and carried on with my day.

Work flowed nicely. Slower day, but it was enjoyable.

Shift beer. It was flat. I told the bartender, then sat down to eat and drink. I started thinking how I wanted another beer. Almost contemplated paying for one. Then he brings over a full beer for me to try and see if it is any better. So boom. I get another free beer. Yehaw.

I go to leave to say by to the kitchen crew and they aren't in there. Say farewell to front of house crew and go to my car. There is the rest of the kitchen crew. Chillin in the back. I begin talking, about my car. And then the blunt comes out.

Oh how the timing is lovely! I drive home. Pick up my sister and then I leave for a run.

Dinner. Movie. Now here writing.

It was just interesting how it all flowed in the way that it did. I found it comforting really. Perhaps it was the writing from this morning. Acknowledgement of my power. Speaking love to my power. Understanding that my heart and soul knows best. Following their signs and calls.

Follow signs and omens.

This is the one thing I have been forgetting to write. I like to write out affirmations or conscious commands for me to follow.

I say...

Never take anything personally.
Never make assumptions.
Be impeccable With my word.
And in every moment be the best I can be.

I just kept forgetting this one. My favorite one.

Follow my signs and omens.I believe these might be the nuances and subtleties that I feel and sense to a certain extent.

Till next time.


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