Hung Over, Weed Sober
So I went about 6 days of not smoking weed, and it felt really good actually. And it wasn't even that difficult. I got to day 6 after a week from hell working every day, probably close to...46 hours, and that's just at the restaurant. I'm up at 7 every day anyway doing my other shenanigans. So sleep was minimal. Bu any ways, day 6. I want some beer. So I went to sushi, amazing, read a very interesting chapter in my book 'Spirituality and Cannabis'. And then realized I wanted to smoke weed. Really the only reason I wanted to smoke is because I was going to watch the new Star Trek movie and I wanted to trip out on it before bed. So I smoked and didn't feel bad about it, but I did realize it caused me to waaaaay over think. And then I didn't even stay awake for the movie. I passed out. And then, I woke up Monday morning with a fucking headache all hung over after 4 beers. Light beers to!!! WTF! So needless to say, I'm kinda over the weed for no...