When Asked; What Do I Believe

It seems to me that over the past 6 years my personal beliefs have changed quite a bit, several times. I find some new way of seeing the world and my belief construct changes.

And this has happened so much over the past few years that I don't even realize how lost I am in a solid belief structure.

I changes so quickly, that when someone ask me what I believe I find myself rethinking it all.

It has become more simplified and pointed, If I don't say so myself.

where I use to believe in a religion, I then believed in all religions.

Now, I believe in practicality and thoughts and actions moving on a continuum either towards light and love or towards dark and fear.

And this is based on how one perceives the world. One's light could be a different hue than another's, and no hue is more perfect than an another hue or shade of shadow.

Its all relative, but there are fundamental tenants of existence within this reality, and every religion spells them out. Be kind, treat others how you would be treated, pray, love yourself and God how ever you perceive God, and then love others.

I was asked this question last night about what I believe and I had to think for a moment. I didn't have a definitive answer off the cuff, like I still didn't know what I believe.

But maybe this is why some people come into our lives, to challenge us and keep us on our toes.

Its been a wild storm since 2011, though I didn't realize it was a wild storm till about 2013. Then it got even more crazy for me, but all necessary and worth it.

I made a statement the other day, that I would probably peak at age 40. And at the rate I am going, that might actually be the case. I am in no rush and in some instances such as now, I still feel as thought I am figuring out the basics of life and my ever changing belief structure.

And this is not a bad thing. I just notice sometimes how I have progressed in areas totally outside the spectrum of "normal". Where others may have progressed in relating to society and gaining what I would call street smarts or more simply just relating to society, I have skipped these classes and jumped strait to working towards understanding the metaphysical properties of reality. Faith, belief, prayer, spiritual practices.... I get lost in the nuances of interactions and social situations with people.

Probably mostly because I continue to change at an alarming rate and when I do come in contact with someone, I don't know how to relate how I did 2 seconds ago, because my entire perception of reality changed.

Then I, of course, over think things and probably self judge my own thoughts to the point where I don't want to say anything to anyone. But I don't want to do this.

I want to be free and open to express how I feel without feeling lost and thinking I will say something wrong.

Its finding that confidence in who I am as I change, and expressing my thoughts and feelings.

The more I express how I feel and what I think, through words and actions the more life will unfold in a relative way for me.

Something to think about, but not too much thinking. God damn it.

La Loving Logan


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