Feedback Loops On The Verge

I have been thinking about something lately. Or at least it comes to mind every now and then, and that is this.

Feed back; feed back loops; when information that goes out, comes back in. From the way I see it, it is a way of learning about the process occurring in that moment.

For me personally this relates to my own processes. Which are quite nuanced with complexity and eccentricity.

So what I am getting at is that I feel I don't necessarily experience the feed back that is conducive for myself. My conversations with friends seem stale, and conversations with strangers is a chore. It din't use to be like this. And im not blaming anyone, I know its my own persona that leaves me feeling captivated in my own head so to say.

I can't necessarily put my finger on it. But there is this fear of something. And I think it relates to what people will think of me, but I don't think that is the core of it. I don't much give a shit about what people think of me. I have fought through that battle and come to a pretty confident attitude of who I am.

Which sounds like a cop out or oxymoron if I can't even be confident in the way I speak with people.

Its like the information that I process gets stuck in my head and putting it out in the ethersphere of human interaction is when it gets lost and the information becomes jumbled and lost almost.

And now I think it is probably just part of the process of realizing myself and coming to terms with who I am and figuring out what I believe for myself and what not.

So here I am, still inside my head a lot, but far more confident in where I stand. I seek to gain awareness of other people's energy and utilize this perception to bring enlightening and curious and practical conversations to the people I meet.

There is a tipping point that I feel is on the near horizon. Like I'm on the verge of something new. But I also feel that it won't just happen. Or maybe it will, but the transition will be easier and more smooth and productive if I do the things that have been coming to mind lately.

Give drinking a break, and smoking a break, get back into a routine of meditating and yoga and prayer.

La Loving Logan


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