Hung Over, Weed Sober

So I went about 6 days of not smoking weed, and it felt really good actually. And it wasn't even that difficult.

I got to day 6 after a week from hell working every day, probably close to...46 hours, and that's just at the restaurant. I'm up at 7 every day anyway doing my other shenanigans. So sleep was minimal.

Bu any ways, day 6. I want some beer. So I went to sushi, amazing, read a very interesting chapter in my book 'Spirituality and Cannabis'. And then realized I wanted to smoke weed.

Really the only reason I wanted to smoke is because I was going to watch the new Star Trek movie and I wanted to trip out on it before bed.

So I smoked and didn't feel bad about it, but I did realize it caused me to waaaaay over think. And then I didn't even stay awake for the movie. I passed out.

And then, I woke up Monday morning with a  fucking headache all hung over after 4 beers. Light beers to!!! WTF!

So needless to say, I'm kinda over the weed for now. In fact, I'm really starting to focus on it with a spiritual intention. As far as using it for a spiritual practice, or creating ritual around it to give it reverence. Recreational use I believe is taking a different turn for me.

And the beer. Paying attention to how exhausted I am and realizing that''s part of the reason why I want to drink, will leave me more dehydrated than normal. I'm not gonna quit drinking beer at this point.

But any who, that was my Sunday. Monday came around and yeah, I was hung over all morning, scheduled to work a double. Serve in the morning which got crazy busy, I forgot to tell a lady that there was gratuity added to the bill already and she tipped another $30 on top of it. Needless to say by the time I clocked out after night shift at 9:30, I had to give the 30 bucks back. No biggie. But anyway.

I was struggling and angry and slightly hangry from the Sunday night sushi and beer fest I had, alone, cause yea. Fuck it.

So at break time I ate a Reuben with Sweet Fries, oh god it was heaven. Then my energy began to shift and change. I was assigned bar, other bar tender was assigned service bar. And you know, this is same bartender that I wrote a letter about. (God if any coworker ever found this blog, it would be so easy to figure out all my dirty secrets), eh, fuck it.

At first I felt as I normally do. I felt off and not too sure what to say to people. So then at one point, I just started telling the one regular at the bar my story from the night before. Sushi, hung over all day, blah blah, man, sometimes you can drink all day and feel fine, others it hits you hard.

Then we started talking about sushi, then outdoor sports and stand up paddle boarding and went on for a while and it felt good. It flowed nicely. Then I realized  I just have to start talking shit and it opens up the conversation for those who are interested. Hmm...

Just throwing little tid bits out there allows people to grab what they want and if they want to talk, cool, if not, nothing and thats fine. Hell yeah, I like this.

But anyway it flowed really well, and it was the first time I felt comfortable behind the bar and was able to carry on conversations with ease. I also made a bomb as margarita for a lady who loooooves margaritas. Totally getting better at this whole drink thing. Also made some virgin cocktails that actually tasted pretty good and the presentation was fucking spot on.

Idk man, I felt on last night, as off as I felt lol. Hang over eventually went away but I was just exhausted. But all in all, a good night. I still have a hard time trusting fellow tender of bar, since he pays me off of what we made, and you don't know what you make until all the money for the restaurant is counted out of the till. So really, its on a honest system. So well see what I get paid today when I go in. I mean I could stay all the way through and just split tips evenly, but fuck that, not even worth staying that late.

But any whos. To being sober from weed and not being hung over any more. Flowing with conversations and making bomb as drinks. Fuck wit it!!

La Loving Logan 


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