Honest-key, No Apologies

He said, "but I think that's the key. Just be honest and don't apologize for it"

Its obvious, and I think most people know this. But to see it in a new light, sometimes I think we just need to hear it again, from someone else.

I can read it in a book. I can see it on instagram memes things. But then I hear someone say it to me and it changes the whole ball game.

I keep telling workmates that I struggle with talking to people, or struggle with the approach, or don't feel totally comfortable quite yet. And they look at me and say something along the lines of,
"your so charming though, I don't even see it", or "Whaaaat, people love you", "Your doing such a good job I didn't even realize.

Which makes me think, that maybe I am being too hard on myself.

And I love this idea, just be honest and don't apologize for it.

Its literally what I have been working towards. Cultivating a confidence where I don't feel the need to hide myself, or be so reserved that I question everything I say before I say it.

There is a fine line and a balance. Granted, I don't think I should just say what ever, even though I kinda do think I should be able to say what ever that pertains to me without any apologies.

Maybe that is the trick for me. create a dividing line between what I say about me and what I say about other people and situations.

Me, anything goes. Be me and don't be afraid to admit the things I do and feel.

When it comes to other people and situations. Just don't be mean or rude.

But I guess these both apply simultaneously in any given moment.

Settling in to another way of perception and being. Consciousness grows and expands and newness is created.

Live free, die happy.

I use to be angry and say things from an angry place, which would upset people or offend them or make them angry.

And maybe that's another part of it. unlearning the habits of an angry mind, bringing myself back to that happy go lucky place of speaking from my loving and light filled heart.

Meditate on being happy go lucky and a light filled heart.

La Loving Logan


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