Marriage: Antiquated Fuckery

It should be known, I write here purely for my own sake. I have absolutely no intention of helping anyone but my self on this forum. But if for what ever reason it does bring some sort of enlightenment, or at the very least, entertainment to someone's day, then I'm happy with that outcome as well.

So here I go to lay out my own belief about this idea of marriage, because when I go through the process of writing it out, getting it out of my head, it becomes more solidified and understanding within my own mind.

Marriage, its a misogynistic, sexist institution created by the rich fuckers of society and the rich leaders of the church at the time. Used at the behest of young women directly and the behest of young men still directly, but not as much. I will say, I believe women have had, and still have more to fight through then men when it comes to suppression.

But that being said, the instituiton of marriage is fucked.

Just because you love someone, is not a reason to get married. You don't need marriage to solidify that love, and if you do, then it is not love in the first place.

The only fucking thing that changes with marriage is a financial and legal binding. Period.

And I don't think you can argue any different. You don't need marriage to prove love. You don't need marriage to have children. You don't need marriage to make a promise of commitment.

Its antiquated, outdated and become a beautiful social nuance geared toward...oh no shit, making money. People spend fucking thousands, sometimes millions on a ceremony that last 3 hours. And the only thing that really happens is people get drunk and 2 people become financially and legally entangled.

Not a bad thing, but when their focus was, "we love each other so lets get married" I have to ask, did they truly love each other?

And here is a predicament I see with my progressive way of thinking.

If marriage is just a financial and legal agreement. Then I should be able to marry anyone that would bring about greater financial wealth and legal stability. I mean...that's why marriage was created in the first place...for the rich assholes to become more powerful and more rich.

But here is where it gets fucked up.

Lets say I love this woman, and I want to be with her. I don't need to marry her to be with her. I don't have to do anything, except be with her and commit to  her.

Now lets say I meet a man, and I'm only about a quarter gay mind you, and we realize that getting married would allow us to combine our financial and legal resources to create more wealth and power for us individually. Do you think the government would allow us to get married???

I'm under the impression they would use this subjective arbitrary idea of love to tell us we aren't allowed. Because as soon as it became known that we were getting married simply to create more wealth and power legally, they would try to shut us down.

Two faced hypocrisy would you say??

And how the fuck are you going to tell me I don't truly love this man?? Because I am in a sexual relationship with a woman. Who the fuck are you to define love, and tell me I can't marry a man based on the fact that I'm not sexual with him??

See how this gets fucked up?

All the sudden it's, "not about finances and legality" its about love...but only when it seems to give power back to the people. See where I'm getting at??

The government and the church don't actually want you to be powerful and wealthy, well because then they have less chance of controlling you.

But if they sell this idea of marriage as a fairy tale exciting journey of love, they snag you. And now you are entrapped in an idea of love that is solely about finances and legalities. Its like putting a blindfold on and telling your self that love is all you need, then walking out the front door into actual reality.

You pay money to get married, you pay money to get divorced. You pay even more money after you get divorced. They almost encourage you stay in a marriage that no longer works just because its cheaper. So now....even though you got married for "love" and the love has died out, you stay together because of the legalities of it.

Make up your damn mind. Why did you get married in the first place?

So maybe from the start you should have just gotten married because the legalities of it were beneficial to both of you.

And who the fuck is the government to say that more than 2 people can't get married, I' mean seriously how does that make sense??? And don't feed me your religious bull shit.

I'll tell you why, because if a whole crew of people who have similar dreams, comes together and say 5 friends all get married, Now these 5 friends are all individually more wealthy and legally stable than they were before.

Tax write offs. Incentives. Kick backs. Its easier to acquire loans and property when you have the backing of several people in your legal corner. More power, more opportunity.

Guess who would lose out on the end of the deal? The government, so they think. Because it's not a government for the people. It's a government for the rich and powerful. And the church of course would have to change their tune about only 2 people getting married.

Fuck, the Mormons at least have this part right. They get it. Why do you think they created their own be able to do this bull shit I'm talking about, because it allows them to create more power and money...yellooooow!!

So this is how I see it. And I think the government and church should get the fuck out of telling society how we want to live our lives and if 5 people want to get married they should be able to get married.

And people should stop marrying for love, and marry for the financial and legal benefits. Its far more practical in my mind might ensures a better longevity of marriages than there is today.

I mean look at the number of people who get divorced of the people who get married.

Yeah, fuck with it.

La Loving Logan


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