Honing In On Specific Beliefs

So I can get specific.

I believe in astrology, that the planets do affect us in various ways.

I believe in sustainability, waste not want not.

I believe in a collective consciousness, we all co write this reality together.

I believe in personal responsibility, that my actions affect not only my self but others as well.

I believe in creating heaven here on earth, Nirvana is a state of mind, enlightenment is a life long process. To be enlightened is not to have arrived, but to have realized something new.

I believe humanity has been lied to for a very long time.

I believe there is an insidious agenda to numb and dumb society.

I believe we have the power to take control back, we just have to take control back of ourselves and our own thoughts.

I believe in moderation, that it is key.

I believe in learning to love myself first, and in turn I will know how to love others best.

I started thinking of all the things I believe in after I wrote yesterday. I realized that I can't prescribe to a certain sect of religion or anything and that there isn't a complete construct for what I believe. But I believe in a different things as they fit my fancy.

But the big picture, is that I believe in being the best we can be in all areas with balance and moderation.

So now I start thinking of time I go against my beliefs.

Do I do things in moderation at all times? No

Do I love myself first at all times? No

I have a lot of work to do. And I do believe that working towards these ideas that I believe in, are like building blocks. Each day builds on the last, and when I slip, it might cause me to have to walk back over the path I just created.

Which is funny, I just thought of neuro-plasticity. The creation of pathways in the brain when you learn something new.

Same idea, the more we keep pushing forward and going over old ground, even though it may be viewed as a loss of time or what not, the more these ideas and beliefs get ingrained in our minds and habits.

So I don't want to drink as much as I have been. I slow it down for a few days, then binge, I start over and go a few days longer, then slip. But each time I get back up and pursue what it is I truly want, the more the habit gets formed.

Judge no one, for everyone has their days when they go against who they are. Its about resilience and bouncing back and making more head way then you did the day before.

Be better than the day before and you'll become an expert in self reliance and  creating a life that you so desire.

La Loving Logan.


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